Here are some pictures of the strike/party in Bellecour over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, the party has degenerated into riots, which have been all over the news here and a little in the U.S. Youths have been burning and flipping cars, throwing trash in the streets, and trying to attack the policemen. Now riot police are stationed all over the city and the two groups have been clashing for days. I've been taking pictures of the kids on our street from the safe distance of my apartment, but even on our street 2 cars were burned and someone's smart car was flipped over. Apparently they're using the opportunity of the general strike to show their anger with the government about not having enough jobs, but really I think a lot of them just like causing trouble and thinking that they're a part of some revolution. Of course, when they get violent then other things shut down, like transportation in the center of town, where we live. So when there are riots we also lose transportation.

the flipped car above

Here come the police.

They block the road and make an arrest.

Someone's car still gets burned.

We read in the paper that this helicopter is the police trying to keep track of the rioting kids from above because apparently they're very mobile. This way when the group disbands, the police can still chase and arrest some.

I'm not sure if the smoke is cars burning, tear gas the police were shooting at the kids, or things the kids were setting on fire and throwing at the police. I didn't go anywhere near it.
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