I discovered a patisserie by our neighborhood making penguin pastries. The icing on them is the closest thing I've found to American icing. It doesn't seem to exist here and is one of the little things I really miss. But this penguin gave me some short-term satisfaction.

a marker of spring: the winter hair half-way gone
the gentleman's mustache, as modeled by Sir Halloran
too bad it only lasted about 10 minutes!

the full winter hair

Tom's mom, Peggy, came to visit us for a week in February right after the semester started. Unfortunately, I took no pictures of people when she was here, only of food, which I didn't realize until later. In any case, it was a great week, fantastic to see someone from home, we had some great meals, saw some museums, and bought a lot of food. When we took her to the Sunday market, a vendor had some tropical fruits, which is extremely unusual, so I was thrilled and bought this one. It's called a dragon fruit and I think it's from Indonesia.

We bought these desserts from a patissiere in Les Halles, an amazing food market right next to my work. It's probably one of the most expensive patisseries in Lyon, which means that we never buy anything from it, but we decided to splurge and try two desserts. It was well worth the money.

One day during the vacation I went to see the Tony Garnier museum with my friend Sabrina. I didn't realize it was an outdoor walking museum. I might have been the coldest I've ever been in my life that day. The temperature was either freezing or below and I was definitely not sufficiently prepared, so it was a quick visit, but still fun, aside from hurting feet and fingers. The museum is a series of murals painted on apartment buildings in a low-income area of Lyon.

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