Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our Neighborhood

The first picture in the list is of the Academie de Billard, the second is ancient ruins of the Amphitheatre des Trois Gaules, some random street art, then some views from our apartment of the Vieux Lyon. All of the photos are right in our neighborhood, less than a five-minute walk within the immediate vicinity. We're surrounded by history, scenic views, cool bars, shops, etc. Also in our neighborhood is an Association Athletique, aka the "Club House". I think the last time I heard that phrase was in books I read in middle school, but it exists in France! The last two photos show our apartment building from the other side of the river, on the Quai of Vieux Lyon. It's the pink rectangular building on the top tier. Did I mention that the apartment building is also historic? It's called the building of 365 windows (in English), one for every day of the year.
more on its history later
On a side note, the Rhone, one of the two major rivers cutting through Lyon, which is also somewhat industrial, is a sort of light blue teal color every day AND has swans in it. Pretty much everything is picturesque.

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