Our Christmas Eve dinner - first time at a Moroccan restaurant in Lyon

We both had tajine, which was fantastic, followed by pastries and mint tea.

Me attempting to cut this cake. What a mess.

The traditional holiday cakes in Lyon are all round like this, but they have lots of flavors. Our was chocolate mousse.

Beautiful Place des Terreaux

Tom thought we should title this one "Runny Nose"

?? Not too sure.

I couldn't keep the camera steady enough, but here is Place Sathonay in the snow with the lights still up from the Fete des Lumieres.

a nice dinner at a restaurant to start off the holiday

Tom's ideal end to a meal: a plate full of different cheeses.

I can't remember the name, but it was basically thick chocolate and orange.

Tom's final selection

My first hamburger in France! Finally!

The first snow of the year